The most important advantage of Flat Return skates is their simplicity!
The system has been patented worldwide and developed to cope with excessive forces.
Tru-Trac Trough Trackers are used to level the carrier side of conveyor belts.
Tru-Trac Rollers (maintenance-free) are the best belt alignment solutions available on the market today. All products are made of high-quality components that are under constant control. The belt guiding system has been subjected to the most difficult quality requirements and has proven itself to be the best tested product in its group. In addition, they have received positive feedback from users around the world.
One of the biggest challenges facing manufacturers of conveyor belt components is the fact that no conveyor is the same. The product supplied and installed on the conveyor must be versatile enough to work with different types of belts, in different environmental conditions, transporting a wide variety of materials. It became clear that meeting the requirements of our customers requires the following features from our products: